Hashmite: Exactly, you did put this idea in a very dtailed way. The whole thing rounds this simple message is that you need to open up aht ur emotions even to a very ppl but atleast you should nd thibgs are definitely gonna work out .53 months ago
maxiam: R to accept urself with ur flaws nd love it53 months ago
maxiam: Nd i think that the possible solution is to let things out talk to someone someone u trust r someone close to u talk abt ur insecurities let things out dont hold up on them.53 months ago
maxiam: If not ourselves thn people around is that we r doing all good nd these insecurities keep on growing to a dangerous level that led people to take their lives (maybe for thm ots only possible way to fet rid of em)53 months ago
maxiam: Everyone of us is fighting nd is fighting hard in our head with em these demons bt r not able to speak to talk about em to explain their insecurities cause its so complex that even we ourself cant understand r probably we r hesitating to accept it. We try to satisfy ourselves by actin normal nd happy nd let these insecurities grow inside53 months ago
maxiam: Fear of unknown rejection failure of not being good enough r not being like everyone else doubts nd uncertainty of what is to happen nd how r we gona deal with it. All of us fight with em the fears nd demons in the late hours of night when we r not able to sleep nd r caught up by em.53 months ago
maxiam: Its super true i mean in today's world everyone is trying to act normal nd happy wearing their happy masks on posting smiling pictures laughing like insane trying to make sure that we r doing well nd r happy with ourselves. Bt deep down we all have hollow corners in ourselves. Fears nd demons in our head that make us doubt ourselves53 months ago