"¶ Different types of phobia:- 1- Aquaphobia:- The fear of water . 2- Katsaridaphobia:- The fear of cockroaches. 3:- Monophobia:- The fear of beingalone . 4:- Nyctophobia:- The fear of darkness. 5:- Pediophobia:- The fear of dolls . 6:- Glossophobia:- The fear of public speaking. 7:- Catoptrophobia:- The fear of mirrors . 8:- Apiphobia:- The fear of bees . 9:- Aerophobia:- The fear of flying . 10:- Hemophobia:- The fear of blood . 11:- Astraphobia:- The fear of thundering/lightening. 12:- Mysophobia:- The fear of germs/dust. 13:- Acrophobia:- The fear of heights . 14:- Agoraphobia:- The fear of public space. 15:- Ailurophobia:- The fear of cats . 16:- Amathophobia:- The fear of dusts." image uploaded on Jan. 28, 2020, 8:15 a.m. | Damadam
_  : ¶ Different types of phobia:- 1- Aquaphobia:- The fear of water . 2- - 
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