"Years ago here I found some friends, We talked of space and science trends... 💫 But one was special, she caught my eye, I liked her wit and how she made me sigh…😍 We used to chat and have so much fun, We laughed and debated like no one…😂 But I never got to know her more, I never asked for her real name or what she wore…😓 We were friends but quite strangers too, She was a mystery that I never knew…🥀 But the time passed and we lost our link, Now I visit daily and hope and think…😔 I wonder if she remembers me still, Or if she ever felt the same thrill…💔" image uploaded on Aug. 9, 2023, 9 p.m. | Damadam
Funny joke
G  : Years ago here I found some friends, We talked of space and science - 
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