Afaaf_khan's posts | Damadam

Afaaf_khan's posts:


اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ عَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ عَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيد🖤


After praying tahajud prayer I felt like I have the controller of my life , like anything i pray in tahajud , there's not a possibility that I didn't get that . I remember once I said in tahjud "ya Allah please kl yeh hojaye" and believe me the exact thing I mentioned , happend the very next day , I was crying seeing this , ALLAH U AKBAR MASHALLAH and ALHUMDULILLAH .if you want to change some one's mind , ask in tahajud , if you want any damn thing , just ask Him 🖤 You won't believe how much peaceful the lifes becomes when you start praying tahajud . In the end you finally have Allah and you don't want anything else , but you have everything

Which one are u??
Mine: the depressed guy😐😐
A  : Which one are u?? Mine: the depressed guy😐😐 - 

12. To forgive.
Forgive the people who ask for your forgiveness.
13. To give respect.
Giving respect to elders and youngsters as well as giving credit to the people who deserve it.
14. To be a part of someone’s happiness.
Being happy in someone else’s happiness, DO NOT BE JEALOUS!
15. To visit the sick.
Visiting the sick is also the sunnah of our beloved Prophet (SAWW)
16. To remove harmful things from the path.
Such as removing the stone that comes to your way.
17. To guide someone on the right way.
Guiding means, if someone you see is misguided, then guiding that person to right path.


6. Time.
Taking time out for the parents and your wife/husband is also a sadaqah.
7. Tarbiyyah.
Nurture (Tarbiyyah), growing up your kids well mannered is also a sadaqah.
8. Patience over difficult times.
Be very patient, do not yell about your problems to anyone. Allah will solve them for you.
9. To advise for good.
Advice your misguided friends to be on the Path of Allah.
10. To stop from evil.
Do not plan the bad thing, do not hurt or kill any living thing.
11. To talk softly.
Do not be harsh and Rude, Allah does not like Arrogant people.


17 Types Of Sadaqah Every Muslim Man and Woman Should Know.
Sadaqah is not only linked with money. We often think that taking out money from our earnings are Sadaqah, but there are many ways we can do it!
These are the 17 types we can take out Sadaqah;
1. Dua
If you are just praying for the person who you care about or any person who has asked for you dua.
2. Knowledge.
Spreading knowledge among the people who can’t afford it.
3. Advice.
Giving wise advice to your younger siblings or people who are younger than you.
4. To smile at your Muslim brother.
Talking, meeting and greeting the people you meet.
5. Help.
Help the poor and help the people who can not help themselves. Solving people problems can also be the thing you can do.

Funny joke
A  : Lol 😂 sb tabah - 
If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed.” ..
A  : If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed.” .. - 

You don't fix self(ego) you need to kill it and then everything IN and AROUND you will get fixed - all by itself🌊

My loif cyCle 😑😐
A  : My loif cyCle 😑😐 - 
Anger transfers 💔💔🔥
A  🔥 : Anger transfers 💔💔🔥 - 

every sixty seconds u spend upset is a minute of happiness u will never get back🖤💯


phly e usko bhoolna mushkil upr se ami roz badam khila detii😔😂😂😂


once i stop caring about u there's 0% chance u will get that back🌚💯


Patience is tiring. It's exhausting.
But remember Allah loves those who exercise patience! 🌻


I don't understand why people get mad when they get rejected by sometime or somebody.They have done u by not wasting ur time and playing wid uh🙂

Never say why me🙂
A  : Never say why me🙂 - 
Think about 👇 three things 🖤🖤
A  : Think about 👇 three things 🖤🖤 - 
قدم ہیں راہِ الفت میں تو منزل کی ہوس کیسی،
یہاں تو عین منزل ہے تھکن سے چُور ہو جانا🐾
A  : قدم ہیں راہِ الفت میں تو منزل کی ہوس کیسی، یہاں تو عین منزل ہے تھکن سے چُور - 
Exactly , sometime it's so hard to hide ur sadness n to pretend that all is well💯
A  : Exactly , sometime it's so hard to hide ur sadness n to pretend that all is -