Ans_ahmad's posts | Damadam

Ans_ahmad's posts:


- People who use others people for their purpose , they lose their balance one day then nobody will believe them and no one carry them.


- Every man is living with his own status and standard , if you will compare yourself then you can lose your actual identity , live according to your pocket.


- Life is about learning and growth , you can either learn and grow or stuck doing the same thing again and again.


- I wondered my family members were watching me when we all together so i talk to them then i have nothing for them but on the same time i was using my mobile and posting in different groups , networks lost my attention from real relations.


- Do not let the behaviour of others people destroy your inner peace , do not react and keep smiling so you can live your life in a better way.


- We are waiting for good person but every one is doing the same thing , i dont understand then still we cannot find that one , how the way we are not able to find , i think every one should stop finding and make himself/herself good so anyone who found us dont blame on any logic.


- Do not make fun of others because it not show your education but it considered simple today , we feel the reality when someone do it to us , understand we need to study how to not hurt people.


- If you want peace , don't talk to your friends , talk to your enemies.


- Keep your face always towards the sunshine and then shadows will fall behind you, Positivity makes better impact , you can find ways to live in freedom.


- Sometimes we respect people more than our brothers and sisters , because we like to show our lifestyle to them how we eat and walk , islam says “ anyone who is more respected in us is our mother not others ” , that's how , please your attitude at home must be good.


- Psychology says , girls interested in marrying older ages of guys because they can take care of them and boys are interested in young ages.


- I was really wrong when i talk to you , i thought may be not every single man is same but now its approximately right that every one is same and can hurt you.


- Happiness starts with 'You' not with your relationships , money and job , there many living who has money and job but they still not happy , Your reason of living wants your happy face and smiling lips.


- If a person wants to be a part of your life , they will make an obvious effort to do so , think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to say.


- There are two types of pain , one that hurts you , second that changes you.


- If you don't know the whole story , don't interfere in anyone's life , Sometimes we not see things exactly which are behind.


- Your bad days means not you have a bad life , its means things gonna change soon , your life will change , be positive in any condition.


- In my silent days , I hear you so loudly , i want you come back soon.


- I give my most important time to them but they not include it when they are furious on me , they forget every party we ever made together. You have to not choose every person in your friends list.


- There are common things to which we start , no body can make you happy until you're not ready , you have to make yourself happy first before someone try to do.