opened damadam
za ta sara meena kom sounds better than ta khu zma zrha ye...
(note:ab koi pakhto na jhaaray cmnts mn)
Winners are not people who never fail,but people who never quit.
someone: "Do you love me?"
me: "yes."
(ab hr baar to no nhi keh skti)
Girls be apologising when they sneeze but not when they're wrong.
Apny dil mn rakh lo.....bahir bht thnd hai.
Bts=behind the scenes
Bts=band that sucks
what does it mean....according to u?
share your answers
تم مجھے یوں حیرت زدہ آنکھوں سے نہ دیکھو
کچھ سنبھل جاتے ہیں ۔۔۔۔۔
سب مر نہیں جاتے ۔۔۔۔۔
I need a BF.
F=fucking dollars
90% people are unhappy with the shape of their nose.
Are you good at maths?
Ok multiple your number by 1 and send to let me check...
I am so single that
if I win a trip for two,
I am going twice.
This post can only be seen by those who have crush over me.
How many users you have in your following list?

Someone: can I video call you?
Me: actually, I don't have a face.
Just imagine your crush suddenly texts you,
"mn he kyun ishq zaahir krun....tu bhi kbhi bol dy"
وہ صنم جو خدا بن گئے ہیں
ان کا دیدار کرنا منع ہے
جو سب کچھ محو کر دیتا ہے دل سے
وہ نشہ کچھ زیادہ کر لیا ہے کیا؟
اور بہت نزدیک آتے جا رہے ہو
بچھڑنے کا ارادہ کر لیا ہے کیا؟
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