She is tolerable but not beautiful enough to tempt... A line from "pride & prejudice"By Jane Austen ( my view for every person in the world)
What is the point of your education, If you stull throw garbage on road to ba ultimately picked up by an uneducated person working... _EDUCATED_
Don't wait for things to get better. Life will always be complicated.Learn to be happy right now, otherwise you'll run out of time... _EDUCATED_
Be a game changer... Not a player, The world is already full of these
if ignorance is a bless then its folly to be wise... William Shakespear
some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed & Some others to be chewed & digested... "Of Studies" by Francis Bacon
life is a tale told by an ediot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing... Lady Macbeth_ "Macbeth" By William Shakespear
I could have forgiven his pride If he has not mortified mine... Elizabeth_"pride & prejudice" By Jane Austen
Man donot keep his words therefore we write...
Shakespeare says: "Frailty thy name is woman" BUT he wasn't knowing that women are weaker physically but Strong at Soul.
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