Sometime it's Better to Stop
to Text SomeOne😐
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
Sometimes I just Realize that How Alone I am that I have Really Nobody to talk, to Share my Feelings, to Share my Problems....
This Loneliness Really Kill me From Inside,I Feel like my Heart iz getting sunk under the Weight oF My Emotions,I just Feel too Sad nd Low😣
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
LoVe iz Like a Cigrette, it's Fun at First😑
But Eventually it Kills you💔
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
How Can You Sleep Knowing
SomeOne iz Crying and
Having a Heavy Heart
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
Me Every Night Thinking What's Wrong with Me😌
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
Overthinking at Night Really Sucks😑
I Can't Explain it😐
I Can Only Feel it😴
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
Some Relations Built up For Break💔
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
I Need a "Delete Feelings" Button😴
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
People Do not Die From Suicide......
They Die From Sadness😣
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
I'm Not Mad😑
I'm Hurt😣
There's a DiFFerence💔
#FaDii W®iTeS
IF You Love Your Partner,do not Control them,let them Free,IF they Truely Loves you,they will be Loyal to you,stay with you....
IF they Cheats on you when you gave them Freedom,Surely they are Not the Ryt One For You💔😐
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
Behind My Smile☺
There's a Story you would NeVer UnderStand😐
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
I am Strong...
But I am TIRED😐
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
I Really want to Thanks All those people who LeFt me when I Need them the most CoZ they made me Strong,they made me realised that I can Solve my Problems by my own nd I don't Need AnyOne to Make me Happy,I can Live ALONE with Peace,Thanks For Everything You Teach Me😌
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
Imagine You Ignore me Today....
And I Don't Wake up Tomrrow😴
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
BeFore You Get Attached to AnyOne....
Be Prepared IF They Leave😴
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
MuSic Makes me Happy💜
😐 + 🎵🎶 =☺
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
Memories are Like Photo...
You can Look Back...
But you can't Never Go Back😐
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
I want to Die....
Cause NoBody in My Side😣
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
Sometimes I'm Sad,Sometimes I'm Happy,Sometimes I Feel Alone,Sometimes I wanna make New FrndZz,Sometimes I want to give up,Sometimes I want to Live my Happily LiFe.....
No it's Not Mood Swings its Depression idk what iz Happening in My LiFe😐
#FaDii W®iTeS📝
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