Faiza_ali's posts | Damadam

Faiza_ali's posts:


if today ware the last day of your life, would you want to do what are you about to do today????


Let's love a little, let's Write some poetry, let's steal a moment, out of life's own pocket, let's go to the riverbank, let's invoke the river, let's speak to the river, of our longing hearts, let's love a little, let's write some poetry. ❤


Let's take a moment to wander in the forest, and from the branch of our hearts, let's take bride-like moment like the restless, like playful eyes that flutter every moment, that should flutter every moment.


actions always prove why words mean nothing 👎


A winner is a dreamer who never give up. ✨️💙


life is like riding a bicycle. in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving . 💙


logic will you get from A to Z, imagination will get you everywhere.


that moment when you don't know what to say to Allah because there is too many emotions in your heart so you just cry on the prayer mat.. 💙

if you love only one person, you get peace in your heart.❤
F  : if you love only one person, you get peace in your heart.❤ - 
Beautiful Structures image
F  : مکمل نہیں بچھڑ پائی میں اُس سے ، میری روح میں کہیں وہ آج بھی موجود ہے۔🥀 - 
Beautiful Nature image
F  : ❤️🔥🥀یہ شہر _____ کبھی سوتا نہیں یہاں کوئی کبھی روتا نہیں ، راستے - 
مِلا نہ جب کوئی ،
 محفل میں ہم نشینی کو __
میں اِک خیال کے ،
 پہلو میں ، جا کے بیٹھ گئی !
F  : مِلا نہ جب کوئی ، محفل میں ہم نشینی کو __ میں اِک خیال کے ، پہلو میں ، -