WILL marry a girl who completely understands the movie "INTERSTELLAR"๐...
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. ~aNOnYmoUS
I Sometimes Wish That I Could Erase People's Memories Of Me.
IF I cOulD pAiNt Us aS sTArS In tHe fABriC oF THe uNiVeRSe,
I fINd mYsElf
tO Be tHe bLaCk hOLe
ChAotIc Nd deVOurInG, daRk And tHOugHtfULl... sIleNt nD lOneLy...
i oFtEN StARe at tHE sTArs iN tHe NiGHt SkY... nOt FOr fINdiNg My aNcEStorS Up tHEre, bUt fOr seEkInG An aDVanCEd ciVilIZatiON wHiCh wIlL taKE mE To THe tOuR oF mUltiVErSe.
ThE woRSt pAiN iS lOokINg aT yOUrsElF iN tTe mIRrOr wItH tEArs In yOuR eYEs, tHiNkINg yOU'rE a FaiLUrE At eVErYthInG
Yes, I'm an introvert.
No, I'm not shy.
No, I'm not stuck up.
No, I'm not antisocial.
I'm just listening. I'm just observing. I can't stand small talk. But I can talk about life, stars nd space for hours.
hYy FeLlaS!.. tODAy iS thE DAy, yOu AlL Can wISh mE... For eXIstInG oN thIS plANeT I tHInK i DoN't bELonG tO..๐ #26th
He: Watching stars with you is heavenly.
She: Listening to your heartbeats in a peaceful starry night is more heavenly.
And they smiled looking at each other...
They say home is where your heart is. Mine is among the stars, across the universe...๐ธ
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