Haider.Ali.77's posts | Damadam

Haider.Ali.77's posts:


me eating my own cooking and wondering why i'm so talented.


I Hate Small Talk
I Wanna Talk About atoms, Death, Aliens, Moon, Magic, Intellect, The Meaning Of Life, Far Away Galaxies, The Lies Yu’ve Told, Yur flaws, Yur Favorite Cents, Yur ChildHood, What Keeps Yuh Up At Night, Yur Insecurity And Fears...>>>
I Like People With Depth,
Who Speak With Emotion From A Twisted Mind>>>


someone gently playing with your hair is the most calming and cutest feeling ever>>>>>>>>>>


I left my phone at home, when I returned I found 40 missed calls, from Grandma. When I asked her why she called me.. She told me that she wanted to tell me that I left my phone at home 🙂<<<<<


"My bills are paid, I'm good for the next 30 days."
Life: Yeah, no. You're out of laundry detergent, shampoo, and paper towels. Yup, you need gas, too. Oh and an oil change.


Laughing at your own texts before you send them because you are so damnnn funny>>>>


Please remember that you don’t have to be strong all the time. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to scream, it’s okay to have a breakdown. Sometimes that’s just what you need, and there’s no shame in that. But once the tears have dried, pick yourself back up and continue fighting. We all need a break - just don’t let the break last a lifetime.


ھمارے پاس گلیمر نہیں ، مُوسیقی نہیں ، رَقص نہیں ، تہوار نہیں ، بیچز نہیں ، کھیل نہیں ، لیبارٹریز نہیں ، تحقیق نہیں ، کتب نہیں ، لِکھاری نہیں ، اور سب سے بڑھ کے گولز نہیں اور ان کو پانے کے لیے کوئی سِمت اور روڈ میپ نہیں۔
ہمارے پاس صرف قرقہ پرست ملاں وڈیروں کی نااہل ظالم اُولاد سیاستدان اور کمپنی ہیں۔


The intimacy of “How did you know that?”
“because I know you.”


جنگ لڑنے کیلئے پٹھان
جنگ جیتنے کیلئے پٹھان
اور جنگ میں مرنے کیلئے پٹھان
لیکن جب اپنا حق مانگے تودہشت گرد


” مذہبی محبوبہ، ان پڑھ بیوی اور گاؤں کا دوست تینوں وفادار ہوتے ہیں ـ


وخت بهٔ راځې چې غاښ دَ ﺯهرو بهٔ خامار نهٔ لري


ریاست پاکستان اللہ کے عذابوں میں سے ایک عذاب ہیں۔


“Imagine finding both love and friendship in one person.««


I am finding my way back to myself again. slowly, patiently, intricately. I am finding roads in between my heart and my mind that connect. I am finding melodies that taste good on my soul. I stray and i take detours occasionally, but I am finding my way back to myself again.


Having people that love you is one thing. But having people who still love you when you’re a burden, still love you when things are a mess, still love you when you’re in the wrong…those are your people. To truly be loved is to still be loved when it’s inconvenient to love you.❤


Do not be misled
into thinking
you should be doing more>>
these are the seeds>>
the beginning>>
be gentle with it all>>>


In English we say “i hate you”
In poetry, we say:


Ghar k doctor👨🏻⚕️ sy zyada izzat tou bahir k compounder ki hoti hai.🤕🤧😥


This Generation is so obssesed wid bunking classes n taking the same lesson in Paid coaching. 😂