Beautiful Nature Horror-Night99 : کوئی ڈیپریشن نہ پالیں جو حاصل ہے اسی کو سیلیبریٹ کرنا سیکھیں ہی ذندگی ہے 🙂❤❤ - 5 days ago FOLLOW 3REPLIES SHARE LINK REPORT
Beautiful Nature Horror-Night99 : I hope that next year, on the same day, I'll be having a different life:... MORE▼more beautiful, more fun, more successful, more peaceful, and more passionate. I hope that next year comes with all my secret prayers answered with what I’ve asked for or better than what I’ve asked for. I hope that next year I’ll be living livelier and happier (7/Dec/2024) 10;31pm - 2 weeks ago FOLLOW 8REPLIES SHARE LINK REPORT
Digital Art Horror-Night99 : "Not everything in the heart can be said, so God created signs, tears, long... MORE▼sleep, cold smiles, and shivering hands 💔🥀 - 3 weeks ago FOLLOW 6REPLIES SHARE LINK REPORT
Beautiful Nature Horror-Night99 : بیٹھ کر سوات کی کسی حسین پہاڑ پر ہواوں کو دکھ سنائیں ہم تجھے بھول جائیں گے... MORE▼🥲🥀 - 1 month ago FOLLOW 18REPLIES SHARE LINK REPORT