Kingkhan_99's posts | Damadam

Kingkhan_99's posts:

Life Advice image
K  : Post by ❤️ - 
Life Advice image
K  : Post by ❤️ - 
Life Advice image
K  : Post by samjdar logho kalyi 😎✌️ - 
Social media post
K  : Post by😎✌️ - 
Social media post
K  : Post by 🩺 - 

- میں تیرے چھوڑ کے جانے سے مروں گا؟ حد ہے
تیرے جیسے تو میں پینسل سے بنا لیتا ہوں.

*راپیدا شه چی دی واخلمه لالیه*🥀🤍
*سته د نرخ پیسی می ټولی پیداکړی 🤍😌
K  : *راپیدا شه چی دی واخلمه لالیه*🥀🤍 *سته د نرخ پیسی می ټولی پیداکړی 🤍😌 - 
Social media post
K  : Post by kingkhan_99 - 
Memes & Satire image
K  : Post by 🤭 - 
Attitude Poetry image
K  : Post by..❤️ - 

*MDCAT 2025*
_Key updates include:
1. The MDCAT 2025 syllabus and schedule will be officially released in the *second week of February 2025.*
2. The exam is expected to take place during *July and August 2025.*
3. The exam duration will span one month, similar to the structure followed for *PMC MDCAT-2021.*
_1. From next year (2025) e-MDCAT will be conducted. (e= electronic)_
_2.Test will be conducted through Tablets/computers online at test centers._
_3.Unified Syllabus & Centralized Test_
_4.PMDC Question Bank_
_5.New policies will be implemented_

Social media post
K  : Post by🥀 - 
Funny joke
K  : ایڈا جالم عاشق 😁😁 - 
Social media post
K  : Post by ❤️ - 
Jokes image
K  : Angry chicken 🤭 - 
Social media post
K  : Post by 🥀 - 
Social media post
K  : Post by 🤭 - 
Social media post
K  : Post by 🤭 - 
Social media post
K  : Post by 🥀 - 

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