if The Truth is KnowN.
How Fun it Is To HeaR LieS..
The WaY U DreSs iS An ExpreSsiOn Of Ur PerSonaLiTy.
Not Everyone DeSerVeS The SaMe LeVeL oF AcCeSs To U.
ProTeCt Ur PeaCe.
I'm Rarely BoReD AloNe;
I'm Often BoreD in GrOupS ND CroWdS."
NoBoDy LoVeS U Really HeRe,
EveRyBoDy UsinG U UnTiL
TheY Don't NeeD U.
So JuSt LoVe UrSelF♥️
Eh Airay GaiRay MeRay NaaL Dy Ni🎶
Marium GonDaL😎✌️

I'm The CEO Of My OwN LiFe.
WheN A FaTheR HuGGinG HiS DaUGhter In Front Of Me🥺
My HeaRt💔💔
My Hero
You held my hand
When I was small You caught me when I fell You're the hero of my childhood And my later years as well
And every time I think of you My heart still fills with pride Though I'll always miss you Dad I know you're by my side
In laughter and in sorrow In sunshine and through rain I know you're watching over me Until we meet again
MiSss U Baba💔
Real HaPpineSs WheN Ur
HelPeR AunTie CoMeS AfTeR FouR DaYS💃🤭
I ExiSt NoT To PleaSe Or ImPreSs The WorLd.
I ExiSt To MaKe Me HaPpY.
Marium GonDaL✌️
MoneY Don't ImPreSs Me..!
BcZ I'm The LaSt DauGhteR Of My FaTheR😑♥️
Marium GonDaL
ProuD MoMeNt For Me WheN SomeOne SayS.
I KnoW Ur FaTheR ♥️ He WaS A GreaT MaN🥺♥️
keeP UrSelF GrooMeD...
Style Ur EyeBroWS...
CaRe For Ur SmilE...
PamPeR Ur HaiR...
DreSs WeLL...
EaT To NouRiSh...
Don't CoPY OtherS..
StaY OriGiNal Nd LeT The WoRlD CoPy U..
An OlD SouL In NeW PaCkinG..😑🌚
To Feel LiKe A QueeN is AS Simple As Believing ThaT U R OnE...
RiGht Believing Is RiGht LiVinG.
MatuRiTy iS learning To WaLk AwaY From People ND SituationS That Threaten Ur PeaCe Of MinD,SelF ReSPEct ,MoraLS ValueS ND SelF WorTh. 💯
Do Not AlloW Ur LoNeliNeSs To LoWeR Ur StaNdaRd..
ReAD ThaT AGaiN..
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