Martin22's posts | Damadam

Martin22's posts:


There is no such thing as a perfect love. Just two, dedicated, passionate people who are willing to put the time and effort into a relationship that might just turn out to be the best love story that the world has ever seen


Even heartbreaks have their rainbows. Don’t regret a love you shared with someone just because it wasn’t returned the way you wanted it to be. There is something beautiful about taking chances and giving love – even when you’re uncertain


The heart is a silly little thing. It needs to be broken to become strong. It needs to suffer from its mistakes countless times before it becomes wise


I’m finally at this point where I don’t always feel like I’m in a rush to go to sleep. Like I don’t want to prolong every single night, because finally, reality is better than my dreams


I stopped one moment and realized that you were on my mind. I tried to recall how long I had been thinking of you and then it dawned on me – it never stopped. You’ve been on my mind since the moment I first saw you


I used to try to stop thinking about you, but now my mind embraces you like you’re exactly what I need to survive this life


Thank you for walking into my life and bringing color to my world which was once dark and gray


I never really understood what it meant to feel alive until you cloaked me with your love.


Don’t be afraid to love again. It might not have turned out the way you wanted the first time, but not two hearts are the same. Don’t pin the mistakes people made against you in the past to people in your future


Stop wasting your time thinking and dreaming about someone who could never love you the way you deserve to be loved


Although it might feel like the world has ended, a broken heart is actually the beginning of a whole new part of your life – perhaps the greatest one of all


The pain you feel from a broken heart is merely the feeling of growth pain. This is something that needs to happen for your heart to become fully capable of loving when the right person comes along


It feels like I can survive this life. Like I can go on without sleep. Like I can live without having to eat, or dream, or anything like that for the rest of my life. As long as I have your love, it feels like that’s all I’ll ever need


Every time someone asks me how I see myself when I’m older, I never know what to say. But then you came into my life and now I know precisely what I want – I want to be in love with you until I’m old and gray


You are everything that I never knew I wanted in this life


Despite the fear and uncertainty, I want you to know that I love you, I’m here, and I’m willing to see all of it through as long as you’re by my side 👩❤️💋👩


Nothing truly ever made sense until you came into my life 😍😘


کبھی جو غور سے دیکھو تو اتنا جان لو گے تم
کہ ہر لمحہ تمہارے بن ہماری جان لیتا ہے


ہم تجھے یوں ڈھونڈتے ہیں
جس طرح لوگ سکوں ڈھونڈتے ہیں


سمجھ کرمال غنیمت مجھ کو
اس کی یادوں نے بے پناہ لوٹا