Failure can be good for you!
Just rise up when life knocks you down!
I'm ready to start achieving my dreams like a QUEEN....
By learning from my failures....✌
No one knows....
He🌙knows everything...
On that day...
You will be considered as a successful person ....
When you know....
Who you are...?
And what you are for....?
Before blaming others...
Just blame yourself...
How much you polished your identity....!?
TO understand another person,
You must swim in the same water
That drowned them.
Ignorance is the darkness....
Where man can't see his own mistakes....
Able to misunderstands the right thing of others....
- mita diya gya -
People tellin me I changed, that’s exactly what I’m gettin so I’ll never be the same.
My wifi suddenly stop working then I realized that my neighbors have not paid the bill. How irresponsible people are.😒😁
It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life, then the next day you wonder how you lived without them.😒
اخلاق اورکردارپراثرانداز نہ ہوسکیں۔۔۔۔
!وہ مشقت کےسواکچھ بھی نہیں۔۔۔۔
یہ عجیب قیامتیں ہیں تری راہگزرمیں گزراں
نہ ہواکہ مرمٹیں ہم،نہ ہواکہ جی اُٹھیں ہم
فیض احمدفیض
تیرےآنےسےکچھ ذرادیرپہلے۔۔۔۔
بات تجھ سےہی کررہاتھامیں
(جون ایلیا)
A saint was asked__"what is anger?"
He gave a beautiful answer...
"It's a punishment we give to ourself for somebody else's mistakes."
Does anyone else get scared when a text reads “Can I ask you a question?”
I don’t talk to myself, i talk to the little voices in my head that tell me to do Amazing and crazy things to people and that’s the reason why i smile all the time..😁
If you were a tear in my eyes, I would not cry for the fear of losing you.
Money is made of paper, paper is made of wood, and wood is made from trees. Therefore, money does grow on trees.😁
It doesn’t matter what people say about you. It matters what you’re going to do to them after they say it!😁
Wonders if its bad when I’m talking to myself and I’m not even listening…😁
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