Mishaal.khan786's posts | Damadam

Mishaal.khan786's posts:


Sometimes tears means unspoken happiness and smile means silent Pain.

Life is a great big canvas. Throw all the colors on it you can.
M  : Life is a great big canvas. Throw all the colors on it you can. - 

بہت اچھےہوکربھی آپ ہرکسی کے لیۓ
!اچھےنہیں ہوسکتے۔۔۔۔
کہیں بُرےبنادیےجاتےہیں اور۔۔۔۔
!کہیں بُرےثابت کردیےجاتےہیں۔۔۔۔


!ہرکام اِک وسیلےسےہوتاہے۔۔۔
اوروسیلہ بنانےوالا صرف الله ہے۔۔۔۔
!اُمیدصرف الله سےرکھو
!تاکہ تم خوداپنےلیۓوسیلہ بن سکو۔۔۔۔۔


Now a days people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.


!!!مٹی کی مورتوں کاہےمیلالگاہوا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
آنکھیں تلاش کرتی ہیں انسان کبھی کبھی


Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities.

آٸینہ پھیلارہاہےخودفریبی کامرض۔۔۔۔۔
!ہرکسی سےکہہ رہاہےآپ ساکوٸ نہیں۔۔
M  : آٸینہ پھیلارہاہےخودفریبی کامرض۔۔۔۔۔ !ہرکسی سےکہہ رہاہےآپ ساکوٸ نہیں۔۔ - 
The best way....!
M  🔥 : The best way....! - 
Let your mind go and hold the soul!
M  : Let your mind go and hold the soul! - 
People who tell you the truth are trying to free you from a prison you don't even know you are in.
M  : People who tell you the truth are trying to free you from a prison you don't - 
Be brave...! If you are not,pretend to Be!
M  : Be brave...! If you are not,pretend to Be! - 
M  : _____توبہ____ - 
Being late doesn't mean failure!
M  : Being late doesn't mean failure! - 
You should listen to your heart!
M  : You should listen to your heart! - 
M  : ____حقیقت____ - 
That's true!
M  : That's true! - 
We only die once!
M  : We only die once! - 
What's wrong with the society...?
M  🔥 : What's wrong with the society...? - 
You can't defeat that which is already defeated.
M  : You can't defeat that which is already defeated. -