Mr-sad-me's posts | Damadam

Mr-sad-me's posts:

Funny joke
M  : Magr majburi😅 - 
Funny joke
M  : 😂Allah mafi - 
Jokes image
M  : 😂Well played😅 - 
Jahil awam hein huM
M  : Jahil awam hein huM - 
Life Advice image
M  : Or hum on ki waja sa apnu sa larty heun - 
Jokes image
M  : Mujhy to ap pa hansi a rhi ha🙄 - 
Life Advice image
M  : Tu na sahi tari yad sahi😄 - 
Zalel bi hona prta ha
M  : Zalel bi hona prta ha - 
Mazy sa khao pakistan ko bi
M  : Mazy sa khao pakistan ko bi - 
Jokes image
M  : Bichara😅 - 
Life Advice image
M  : Han is liy sb nokr hein gulam hein😕 - 
Funny joke
M  : Proude to be a pakistani😅 - 
Sad Poetry image
M  : Whashi kuty😐 - 
Funny joke
M  : Ho gi khatam😄 - 
Attitude Quotes image
M  : Ma nahi to kia fida till ka😅 - 
M  : Manto😇 - 
Hmm thk ha sb😇
M  : Hmm thk ha sb😇 - 
Life Advice image
M  : Hmmm like me😅😄 - 
Mr-sad-me is back
M  : Mr-sad-me is back - 
These shirt have Million Of Memories😇
M  : These shirt have Million Of Memories😇 -