Mr.DNA's posts | Damadam

Mr.DNA's posts:

Hardship  enhances the feelings of comfort (Crescent)
M  : Hardship enhances the feelings of comfort (Crescent) - 
Dawn/dusk ...guess the exact time of the mentioned pictures
M  : Dawn/dusk ...guess the exact time of the mentioned pictures - 
For those who deserve
M  : For those who deserve - 
اشرف المخلوقات are recognised from their properties not by name. Mr.DNA (Crescent)
M  : اشرف المخلوقات are recognised from their properties not by name. Mr.DNA - 
Mr.DNA (Crescent)
M  : Mr.DNA (Crescent) - 
Mr.DNA (Crescent)
M  : Mr.DNA (Crescent) - 

هــيىdhall (safegurd)دنیــا ایـک جـــنگی مـیدان هــیی تقویٰ آپکا


zara sa be hu dard dil mae
dosro ko deny se pehly hud hazar bar mroo gy.

Tuesday 14th July T20...a day added a great lesson to my life. 
Success makes a man a winner but never doubt that failures makes a man a master the condition is that if you can't repeat the same mistake again (Mr.DNA)
M  🔥 : Tuesday 14th July T20...a day added a great lesson to my life. Success - 

log achy ty bas mae he bora tha..
coz i've no extra mask to wear
God bless you All


expectation is the cancer of selfconfidence.


leave that place which hurts you the most...one day your absence make them hurt twice tym..


limitation is the best way to survive but only for limited one.


_________apka kirdar__________
_______apki tarbeyaat_________

Like sun rays positivity find their way no matter how many and how much hard obstacles are placed In their way...
M  : Like sun rays positivity find their way no matter how many and how much hard - 

the shocking events become memories they might be good or bad..

Translation: teri apni he khushi mae dosra naraaz na hu...khayal rahy tuj se Allah naraaz na hu.(Crescent)
M  : Translation: teri apni he khushi mae dosra naraaz na hu...khayal rahy tuj se - 
Buildup/strengthen your hide sparks if you really want a difference•(Crescent)
M  : Buildup/strengthen your hide sparks if you really want a - 
Education makes Internal difference and internal power makes external difference)•(Crescent)
M  : Education makes Internal difference and internal power makes external - 
Some people hide their pain through smiling mask but don't worry some people get that all through eyes ( Crescent) deep eyes can get  deep people
M  🔥 : Some people hide their pain through smiling mask but don't worry some people -