I think it is beautiful how the moon glows using the sun's light and the sun never asks for anything in return...
people will kill u over time and how they'll you is with tiny harmless phrases.
This is only one happines in this life,to loved and be loved.
If you ever ask me how many times you've crossed my mind,i would say once...
Because you came, and never left.
Your brain can hide everything but your eyes can't hide what's in your heart..
It is not easy to erase the pain of yesterday and to pretend to be happy today💔
A heart without fellings is like a flower without fragrance...
In the depths of our heart we hold deep scars called memories..
Its too easy for u to quit but not for me...
Why your memories makes me cry😢how can i tell u how much i love u,u know what i want to hear say it plzz just say it...
Sometimes we never really move on we just accept the fact that they have..
some people are simply unforgetable because they've hurt us too badly💔
The night always comes,but your love never does...
Some people come in to your life just to teach you how to let go💔
My problem is that i care too much and that is why i getting heart💔
The greatest prison we live in is the fear of what other people think...
A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words..
Tell me how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her bright...
Wear your scars like a dress,show them how pretty strength is...!

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