Sia00's posts | Damadam

Sia00's posts:

S  : ..•••...🌸🌸🌸...•••.. - 
S  : ••...🌸🌼🌸...•• - 
Life Advice image
S  : 🌸Allah becomes sufficient for you the very moment you put your entire trust - 
S  : ۰..🌼🌼🌼..۰ - 
Romantic Novels image
S  : ..••✨✨✨••.. - 
S  : .••🌸🌸🌸••. - 
S  : .••🌸🌸🌸••. - 
Life Advice image
S  : •..🌸🌼🌸..• - 
Speak good or remain silent ✨
S  : Speak good or remain silent ✨ - 
Life Advice image
S  : ••..🌸🌼🌸..•• - 
Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.
S  : Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. - 
If you think problems are unbearable, just keep faith in the miracles of Allah and pray for His blessings. You will get more than you expect🌸
S  : If you think problems are unbearable, just keep faith in the miracles of - 
Funny joke
S  : ...😂😂😂... - 
Allah has a purpose for your pain,a reason for your struggles, and a reward for your faithfulness
Don’t give up 🌸
S  : Allah has a purpose for your pain,a reason for your struggles, and a reward - 
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).”
- Surah Al ‘Imran (3:173) .
S  : حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, - 
Be beautiful in everything,your friendship,your love and your manners🌸✨
S  : Be beautiful in everything,your friendship,your love and your manners🌸✨ - 
• He surely knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart ' Quran 67:13
S  : • He surely knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart ' Quran 67:13 - 
S  : .••🖤🖤🖤••. - 
S  : .••🌸🌼🌸••. - 
Islamic Quotes image
S  : Pray for it as much as you want it,Dua causes miracles✨🌸 -