Where your thoughts are, there you are. Try to always be in a good place.
A simple joke can destroy someone's confidence.
Everything should be in limit, sometimes we go to far just to have a good laugh without thinking what other person is feeling. Its good to laugh and make fun but not to the point that someone's life goes upside down. Always be careful with your words.🍂
I've a heart that will completely turn into ink from its darkness! 🖤
Dead people receive more Flowers Than the living ones Because Regret is stronger than Gratitude
"Susmak"ancak bu kadar güzel anlatılabilirdi;
Susmak sessizlik değildir bazen. Susmak öfkedir, hayal kırıklığıdır, kırgınlıktır... Oldukça gürültülüdür susmak.
"خاموشی" کو صرف خوبصورتی سے سمجھا جا سکتا ہے۔
بعض اوقات خاموشی خاموشی نہیں ہوتی۔ خاموشی کا مطلب ہے غصہ، مایوسی، ناراضگی... خاموشی کافی شور ہے۔
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
So tell me where should I go? to the right where nothing is left or to the left where nothing is right.
Grief carves deep valleys in the landscape of the heart.
The weight of a heartache is measured in silent nights.
Amidst the vast cosmos of opportunity, your spark has the potential to ignite galaxies of innovation.
It's better to ask, than to assume!
If you're sitting with your family having sehri and iftaar together at home, with not worrying about how to make up for meals for the day, I swear you're blessed more than half of the population across. Be grateful every sec of the day because not everyone is this lucky.
My friend circle is now extremely small,
it's not even a circle anymore. It's a dot.
Thank you for supporting me in every step of my life.
Love you my both legs
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