Can you calculate my efforts. 🧡
I didn't expected , you decoded my life. 🧡
You are alike as you were before we met.🧡
Allah 🧡 Allah 🧡 Allah 🧡 Allah hafiz
Time to sleep. Nothing to say in your favour 🧡
You will be forgiven by Allah Almighty for unfulfilling duties , but you will asked , why you hurt someone's emotion.🧡
Cheat will be forgotten sometimes but sin will never be forgotten. 🧡
Only my conversation is good but i am not a angel . I am a devil insider.🧡
Good opinions and Good conversations are written in books then why someone asked to told a good opinion. To speak and to done much difference sweet one .🧡
If i talk , fire will burn inside yours 🧡
I thought everyone is better then me but everyone is not alike to me.🧡
Maybe truth came lately but it will come with loudly cheers. 🧡
Money is not a problem , to use in a better way is most important. Maybe a companion is better to guide .🧡
We are becoming cruel day by day what is a reason behind it . We looked another's mistake but we cant look our mistakes.🧡
I read newspaper continuously in these days , i saw suicide rate is increased. It can't came to my mind why some one commit suicide . Maybe love , poverty, Maybe desires , Maybe depression is a cause behind . Please stay calm yourself in a harsh situation , Insha Allah happiness will come soon.🧡
What we have , what we have not , what will we deserve. It's alike to a filmy conversation , so never thinks what we have not stay happy with what we have . Insha Allah every thing will be fine .🧡
Standard word walks in cities not in villages. The most important one is a good character of someone's not his background. 🧡
Marriage is not a relationship of two peoples , it is a relationship of two families. Never take too quick decision , Take time to make agree Everyone in a family 🧡
Taking care of what societies individual want but we cannot take care of our emotions or another ones emotion. Kick them and do for yourself 🧡
In my opinion , love is alike to oxygen. We can't see but it is necessary to live.🧡
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