They can not answered at once . They tortured untill you went away .🧡
Here or there , make it clear .🧡
They showed that they were busy infornt of me , they can not said byee clearly .🧡
Allah🧡 Allah🧡 Allah🧡 Allah hafiz🧡
I will gone to work for luxurious live from my luxurious sleep in the morning. 🧡
Will i learned from your actions but i failed .🧡
I had never saw a human which killed someone with a smiling face but you did for me to saw .🧡
To kill someone harshly with love is a action of a master minded one . You are a master mind.🧡
I was sleeping in a unconscious imagination . A thunderstorm of your shade came which awake my soul .🧡
Covid_19 is a enemy of love . It makes distance to groom.🧡
September will taken us to learn with sop's .🧡
If i had not written on your hand lines then why i will suffer .🧡
Obey traffic rules , follow traffic signs. Life can not gave a chance again. To Ride within limits.🧡
If we did a action then waited for a reation . It will happens buz destiny took a reation. 1st conclude consequences then take a action helps you to save from embarrassment. 🧡
A baby is a product and a sign of love. Love is a basic and necessary ingredient to become a gentleman.🧡
I born i absorbed reactions and then take actions on a needed situation. Child can absorbed actions of society to grow up for future.🧡
To talk useless is better than to keep quiet . Listening more speak less saves from Troubles .🧡
Money can not provide happiness at all . To accept present and be calm with destiny provide a free services happiness.🧡
If every one has a live of their opinions then who will provide services to social beings. Universe has a process to work in all aspects to maintain decorum.🧡
Every action had a +ve and also maybe a -ve reation . Two aspects of a action. Our past and present will take us for betterment. Be happy with present and look over past to overcome consequences. 🧡
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