Wo puchna tha k Fuck ki jagha F**k likhny sy günah kam milta hai kia🤔🙂🙂🙂🙂

فقط میرے دل سے اُتر جائیے گا
بچھڑنا مبارک بچھڑ جائیے گا__🥀

Poora hafta whatsapp 8xm bana hua hota ha or Jumme ke din Qtv.
Pronounce this very fast!
"High law view" 😊

Bachpan me glti sy surf excel kha lia tha Tab sy mere dill saf hai😊😌

girls will skip breakfast, lunch, dinner and still complain about their health
*Me itni Patli kiu hun*☹️☹️

Some people are not rude, they're socially awkward.
They're not arrogant, they're just confused that maybe they should remain quiet or maybe if they talk they won't make sense.
Some people aren't secure in their body language, which again is going to make them awkward outwardly.
Give people some space. It is not all white and black. Sometimes we have to embrace the grays too. Don't be quick to judge. Try to give people margin, like you give yourself everyday. It doesn't take one meeting for a person to narrate their life story. They might take their time, but atleast they won't be hypocritical.

کیا کرلو گی اگر
ہاتھ پکڑلوں تمہارا َ😊♥️😉
someone told me every beautiful thing disappears.... but look, I'm still here
کون کیا کرتا ہے، کیاکہتا ہے ،کیا کھاتا ہے، کیا پیتا ہے ان سب باتوں سے خود کو دور رکھئے،
اپنا جائزہ لیجئے، خود سے ملاقات کیجئے خود کو اچھائی پر مائل کیجئے ،اپنے اندر کی خالی جگہوں کو پُر کرنا سیکھیں..
خود کو بھی کبھی محسوس کر لیا کریں
کچھ رونقیں خود سے بھی ہوتی ہیں
💜خوش رہیں خوشیاں بانٹیں...!!!💜
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