shizuka.minamoto's posts | Damadam

shizuka.minamoto's posts:

Jumma mubarak
s  : Ameen, jumma mubark. - 

I wish I had a delete button in my life.to delete some people, some memory card some feelings..
shizuka minamoto


تجھ سے گفتگو دیر تک چلے
اس لیے تیری ہر بات سے اختلاف کیا!

Funny joke
s  : hahaha ☺☺ - 
Good afternoon
s  : Good Afternoon... - 
Please follow...☺☺
s  : Please follow...☺☺ - 

ڈھونڈتی پھرتی ہے دشت و بیاباں میں ہمیں
زندگی ہم سے بچھڑ کے، خود بھی پچھتائ بہت


Life is not about being rich, beige popular, being highly educated or being perfect. it's all about being real, humble and kind. good morning

Good night
s  : Good night.... - 

Thanking Allah Almighty for another year of life.happy birthday to me. it's time for the next chapter, ☺☺

Good night
s  : Good night. Lekin mujhy neend nhi Aa rhi..or Ani b nai hai. - 
From shizuka minamoto
s  : From shizuka minamoto - 
From shizuka minamoto
s  : From shizuka minamoto - 
Good morning
s  : Good morning....☺ - 

I realized that people who claim love can also leave. When they found me perfect,they loved me.when they found some flaws, they left me.


If you focus on hurt, you will continue to suffer. if you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.


waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say I love you, But not everyone can wait and prove it's true.

Good morning
s  : Good morning, - 
Jumma mubarak
s  : Jumma mubark. ☺ - 

If you really Love that person, learn to wait.Maybe you've not meant to be together today, but meant to be in future💕. Good morning