Why don't Chinese people do 2nd marriage....? because all Chinese have the same face....😅
Black* is Everyones*s favourite Colour , Until IT Come to Skin
![Beauty without expression is boring.
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![My opinion, is that I follow what the Lord says Or I try to Others are following what they want to do basically They are living for their self I am living for God.](https://d27yqp28rsqhzg.cloudfront.net/follower/457504aa-98b0-41d2-ab2c-ee1610e8c62d.jpg)
![There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self ....](https://d27yqp28rsqhzg.cloudfront.net/follower/2cdc5322-2a65-47b6-a79d-6f3e23db909b.jpg)
![Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.](https://d27yqp28rsqhzg.cloudfront.net/follower/1760b2d6-5147-4a53-8182-3ac33751b2b7.jpg)
When You Focus On Problems, You’Ll Have More Problems. When You Focus On Possibilities, You’ll Have More Opportunities.
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