Find me in places where my heart got broken the most, that's where I wait for the ones who shattered it, to gather the pieces again, and place them over the voids that were made by those who never knew there exist a space that can never be filled by someone.
Yawa wraze yao Sahra ke pa khkaar ootay wam rawan🍂 Yo Gulab me walar olid prakeda, khaista khanda🥀 Za khafa ye khwa la laram, ma wayl ‘Aaah zama pashan🥀 ta hum gul ye bad-naseeba, ruk da zulfo da janan’🍂
I hope your broken pieces don't linger in places that you're not aware of somewhere between those memories you made and the grief you are trying to run away from, may it not stay in places and in people's hearts. I hope time is merciful enough for you to gather it all, before it bleeds everything dry. ##