Do you know? A guy got his left arm and left leg cut in an accident. The doctor said its gonna be alright. But the nurse said theres nothing much left.
i asked my wife to rate me on a scale of ten she said u r an 8 on scale of 10. I still dont know why she wants me to urinate on skeleton.
i wish to change my username to 'nobody' bcz when i would like someones post it would say 'nobody likes this'
My dog ate all the scrabble tiles So i took him to vet. No word yet.😐
the scientists were trying to figure out the effects of alcohol on the way of walking. The results were staggering
Do you know why 6 is afraid of 7? Bcz 7 8 9.
The airplane joke flew right over my head i was so scared
meena loe daryab da pa gadi daleshi chok se sumra taklifuna ochta waleshi