Angelshiza's profile | Damadam

Angelshiza's profile:

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About Angelshiza:
Intro: I live with me since Last 21years, but still i don't know about Myself , So How Could you Think that YOU would Know About ME by Just few Words............ it's impossible too understand Me . __________ I Don't have an Attitude I have a Personality you can't Hundle ! _________ Can't Trust anyone these Days Fake is becoming the New Trend!!_______ لوگ اپ کے بارے میں جو سوچتے ہیں انھیں سوچنے دیں بلکہ خوش ہوا کریں کہ اس نفسا نفسی کے دور میں بھی لوگ اپ کے بارے میں سوچ رہے ہیں۔۔۔۔۔۔✍ كل نفس ذايقة الموت🖤

City: No city
Star sign: Not set
Gender: Female
Married: Yes
Age: 21
Joined: 2 years, 7 months ago
Total likes: 26804
Followers: 356 verified followers
295 unverified followers