Damadam-Feedback's profile | Damadam

Damadam-Feedback's profile:

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About Damadam-Feedback:
Intro: A particle can not be a wave and a wave cannot be a particle, but photon can either be a wave or a particle depending on how you try to look at it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1yIApZtLos thora pehle pata chal jata tuo behter hota! I don’t believe in star signs. As most of you already know, it was proved to be completely bogus. Apparently the earth has also rotated a significant degree from its axis from when the science behind astrology was written. Its a broken scale, it just tells me the most probable month of your pointless birthday.

City: Lahore
Star sign: Not set
Gender: Male
Married: No
Age: Not set
Joined: 6 years, 8 months ago
Followers: 234 verified followers
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