Paxal_bro's profile | Damadam

Paxal_bro's profile:

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About Paxal_bro:
Intro: I LoVe LiStEnInG To LiEs......!!¡¡!! WhEn I KnOw ThE TrUtH.........!!¡¡!! Let ThEm Hate.......!!!!!!!!! Make SURE tHat they SPELL YoUr NaMe RIGHT........!!!!!!!! KeEp In MiNd...... OnE LiE CaN KiLl Th0uSaNd TrUtH...!!¡¡!! Mommoents BeC0mE MeMoRiEs Nd Pe0pLe BeC0mE LeSs0ns....... THAT'S LIFE I D0n't CaRe WhEtHeR 0r n0t Pe0pLe LiK3 Me 0r DiSlIkE M3... I'm Not On ThE EaRtH T0 a P0puLaRiTy ConTeSt.... I'm HeRe T0 Be ThE BeSt HuMaN BeInG I PoSsIblY CaN Be.......!!¡¡!! !!!!!......!!!!! Smart Pe0pLe Kn0w WhEn t0 PlAy StUpId... I DeFiNe My 0wN LiFe......!!!! I d0N't LeT Pe0pLe WrItE My ScRiPt....!!!

City: No city
Star sign: Not set
Gender: Male
Married: No
Age: Not set
Joined: 5 years, 4 months ago
Total likes: 4
Followers: 1 verified followers
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