_Benign____GirL's profile | Damadam

_Benign____GirL's profile:

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About _Benign____GirL:
Intro: اے الله! بے شک میں تیری پناه مانگتا ہوں، تیری عطا .کرده نعمتوں کے زوال سے، تیری عطا کرده عافیت کے بدل جانے سے، تیری سزا کے اچانک وارد ہوجانے سے اور تیری ہر قسم کی ناراضگی سے۔ 💠O Allah! Verily I seek refuge in You from the decline of Your blessings, the change of our state of well-being, the sudden onset of Your punishment and from all that displeases You.⏳ 🚩⭕💫💫 Be Yourself🚩 No friends ❌🚫 No 1on1❌🚫 Not interested ⚠ relationship ♻♻Just Observer not stalker 💯%√ ⌛ ♻When your heart is clean, you won't assume everyone else's heart is dirty. When you're truthful, you won't assume everyone else to be a liar. What you see in everything around you is only a reflection of yourself. May Allah SWT purify our hearts, and use us to purify that which is around us. Ameen💮

City: No city
Star sign: Not set
Gender: Female
Married: Yes
Age: Not set
Joined: 6 years, 4 months ago
Total likes: 6
Followers: 17 verified followers
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