farialone's profile | Damadam

farialone's profile:

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About farialone:
Intro: You think you can hurt her? She is a girl with sabr, she always smile infront of people & cry infront of her Rabb. Sometimes she wants to giveup & she thinks that why is Allah swt testing her so much & why her hardship & her pains are not ending then she remembers that Allah test those whom He loves. She left her little heart in Allah's hand the most & indeed after every hardship comes ease she is a true believer she knows that she is not alone whatever she is going through Allah is with her

City: No city
Star sign: Aries
Gender: Female
Married: No
Age: 20
Joined: 1 year, 5 months ago
Star score: 4
Total likes: 2785 (+28 in last 24 hours)
Followers: 3 verified followers
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