Aashiyaana's posts | Damadam

Aashiyaana's posts:


It's like a road I've been walking towards since my first step
like an inevitable patiently sitting to happen
like a stage I am getting matured to reach for
like a prophecy I've been born in result of
madness is not a threat hanging over my head
It's the destiny carved in my hands.


We can smell our own kind


Would you choose walking over the edge forever or jumping once?


Humans feed and thrive at vulnerabilities


He held her eyes, a moment of something I couldn't place passing in his eyes. "Are you scared, Emory?" he asked her,
Her voice remained as still and calm as her body. "I'm the eye of the storm, You?"
He turned his head, looking at Alex, the longing stretching between them so strongly, I could almost feel it vibrating in the ground.
"I am the storm," he murmured.


"I love you," he said again. "But I'll let you go."
He started to walk away, my heart ripping in two, and I shook my head. No. He couldn't let me go. He couldn't move on without me. Everything we'd been through, everything meant something. It all meant something. Didn't it?
This wasn't where we ended.
Nothing was over.
"Will you marry me?" I asked, breathing hard and my heart hammering. Slowly, I climbed to my feet and turned to face him, seeing him stopped.
He stood there, frozen, not turning around, but that was okay. I wasn't sure I could do this if he looked at me.
"I love you. I'm wild crazy for you, and For sure I'll kill you at some point, but.. God, I love you so much, and I want you to marry me.Marry me Will Grayson"


"I don't need the Cove," he said over the rain. "I need more memories with you."
I breathed hard, but I couldn't move as tears filled my eyes.
"Memories that aren't tainted with all the years apart right afterward." he explained.
Everyone watching us from a distance faded away, and I looked down at his hair matted to his scalp and temples, droplets cascading down his cheeks and over his lashes and all I wanted in the world was to stare at him forever.
"I build with you now," he whispered to me, We make Thunder Bay together, Em. I love you."
I love you.
I closed my eyes, my face cracking and my eyes filling with tears. God, I was exhausted.


Will called us "Alex," he said, standing back and watching them, "Emory."
Alex immediately went to his side, but I stayed rooted.
A fire lit behind his eves "I will raise hell and reduce this house to ash if you act like this is a choice for one more second!" he bellowed at me and then pointed to his side."Now!"


When you can't feel the full momentum of the tragedy happening to you at that moment, you feel it for the rest of your life


A living, breathing, ocean of emotions surrounds me
my company-not a safe place to have for me
It's always drowning, fighting storms, or struggling to breathe
and there is no escape
because it's all fictitious, nothing concrete
how can you run from a thing, you can't see
Its just that its all too much that you feel


method of madness


A long time ago, psychopathy used to be called simply 'evil'. People who were evil who took a delight in hurting or killing others - Were written about ever since Medea took an axe to her children, and probably long before that. The word 'psychopath' was coined by a German psychiatrist in 1888-the same year Jack the Ripper terrorised London - from the German word psychopastiche, literally meaning 'suffering soul'.


دریا میں کنکر پھینک کر گھبراتے ہو لہروں سے کیوں


Blood runs thicker than water
But both feel the same when your eyes are closed


Reading about life was no preparation for living it


ہم لوگوں کے راز نہیں رکھتے بلکہ ان کی ٹوہ میں رہتے ہیں۔


Update: Nakli pody also have nakli pathar around them


خوشحال لوگ کتنے مختلف ہوتے ہیں۔ دیکھنے میں، بولنے میں، سننے میں۔


Work day starts at 9AM, Work starts at 5PM. 🙂


Because the world is not short on voices, it's short on listeners.