Afaaf_khan's posts | Damadam

Afaaf_khan's posts:

Don't be a fan of a celebrity who doesn’t know you. Don’t be a fan of a celebrity who takes you in HELL. Don't be a fan of a celebrity who teaches you immorality. Don't be a fan of a celebrity who calls you in bad works. Don't be a fan of a celebrity who doesn’t know about the beauty of Islam. Don't be a fan of a celebrity who gives you happiness for a short time which is actually not good for you. You never learn anything good from them.

Be a fan of our favourite prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW who cried for you over 1400 years ago. No one can be like him. He is the one who support us in the resurrection day. May Allah SWT help us to follow his life style.
A  : Don't be a fan of a celebrity who doesn’t know you. Don’t be a fan of a - 

Alhamdulillah for everything


جب حاصل ہو جائے تو خاک برابر
رزق بھی، عشق بھی، نصیب بھی، رقیب بھی🔥


فرقہ فرقہ، کافر کافر، کھیل کے جب تو تهک جائے..!!
ظالم عالم، مجھ سے ملنا میں تجھے فتوی دوں گا..!!

😶😑 sad loif😕😕
A  🔥 : 😶😑 sad loif😕😕 - 

✦ Islam is a Way of Life, Try it.
✦ Islam is a Gift, Accept it.
✦ Islam is a Journey, Complete it.
✦ Islam is a Goal, Achieve it.
✦ Islam is an Opportunity, Take it.
✦ Islam is a Promise, Fulfill it.
✦ Islam is a Duty, Perform it.
✦ Islam is a Treasure (the Prayer), Pray it.
✦ Islam is a Beautiful Way of Life, See it.
✦ Islam has a Message for you, Hear it.
✦ Islam is Love, Love it.


People will come and leave but if you believe in Allah, you will find relief.


Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Focus on the blessings you do have from Allah, and you'll find plenty of reasons to be happy.


parents to me: krni tu tune arrange marriage e bs yeh btao larkha kia krta ho
le me: jo b krta ho bs engineer na ho
le parents: but family mein koi b aisa lrka nhi jisne engineering na ki ho😂😂😂
le me: yeh tu meri problem nhi😏😏


during anotmy class,
teacher:Apne kisi animal ka heart tu dekha ho ga.
le me: yeas sir مُرغی ka😂😂


منزل تو ملے گی بھٹک کر ہی صحیح، گمراہ تو وہ ہیں جو گھر سے نکلے ہی نہیں...


مجھے مرض شدید اناؤں کا
میرے اپنے اٹل اصول پیا

A  : Xactly🙂🙂💯💯 - 
Indeed 🖤🖤💓
A  : Indeed 🖤🖤💓 - 

i think I'm mature enough to take decisions of ma loif😹😹but still my parents treat me like a kid😍😍

Bs aik kun khny ki dair 😇😇
A  🔥 : Bs aik kun khny ki dair 😇😇 - 
At times, in our lives we come across certain dilemmatic situations where we are unable to decide between... 
Shut? Or Shout? Silent or Loud? 
Which one do u choose to be? 
Which one do u prefer to be?
A  : At times, in our lives we come across certain dilemmatic situations where we - 

Sadness fades away when we realize that our future is in ALLAH's hands..♥️


Even if all doors seem closed & you feel like you're facing a dead end, the Almighty can & will provide alternative solutions to your problem. Understand His Plan. Keep a look out for new opportunities. Often we are so hung up on the closed doors that we fail to see what's there!
— Mufti Ismail Menk

Funny joke
A  🔥 : Qadar kro aisy logon ke Jo duniya ki sari deewarein chhor Kar sirf Tum Ko -