Hello..Dear's posts | Damadam

Hello..Dear's posts:


welL nOw A DaYs dAmaDaM iS FuLl of maTUre aNd cHarMinG pEoPle..aM i Right?pEoPle.


Do I haVE sOmE fRieNdS hERe?
aNyOne WhO kNoWs mE mAy cOmMeNT HeRe..


" sO HoW oLD aRe yOu aT daMAdAm? 🙂


* " EiD MuBaRAk tO aLL oF yOu dAmadAM MeMBers"*


"WhEn youR Luck is IN youR FavoUr biG miSTakeS dOn'T HuRT YoU bUt wHen It Is AGAinsT You mErE a Slip oF tOUnge cAn cReaTE fOr you HarmFuL conSEquEncEs."


Being a wizard of words is blessing.


FisH yOu CAn dESTroY mE bUT cAnNoT DeFeAt Me..(Santiago)


ThE mIsfORTunEs oF hUmAn BeiNgS aRE duE TO twO cAuSes:FirsT thE cRUeliTy of NATuRe; seConD, ThE CRueLiTy oF HuMan BeINgs toWRds onE aNOthER. wIth thE PrOgreSs iN knoWleDGe AND teChniQue, tHE fIrsT cAuSe haS beeN reNdEred LeSs OpeRAtiVe tHaN beFoRe.
"Now The Worst Enemy Of Mankind Is Man Himself"….


MoST oF thE thINgs wHiCh We tHinK aRe imPosSible ARe aCTuaLly jUSt difFicult, NOT IMposiBle


ThErE iS a loT oF DifFerEncE bEtweeN coMpRomiSe anD surRendEr.
PeoPle saY tHaT thEy waNt cOmpRomIsE frOm yoUR siDe bUT acTuaLLy tHey waNT yoU tO suRreNDer.
SurRendeR yOUR feElinGS,
SurrEnDer youR wisHES,
SurrENdeR YOur gOAls,
SurReNDer yoUr PlAns,
SurREnder YOUR deCiOusIOns.
So neveR suRreNder yoUrSelF.


THEre iS thE OnLy oNe trUtH oF lifE
ANd thAt Is DeAth..


i cOulDn'T seE tHe piCtUreS oN daMaDam. So heLP me tO FiX thiS pROBlem..
i'lL bE vERy tHankfuLL tO yOU fOR tHiS dEeD oF kiNdnEsS.🙂
leMMe tELl yOu ThaT i aM noT usING fReE daMadAm.


LiFe iS toO SHOrt sO yoU mUSt haVe BeTTeR plAns aBOuT hOW tO sPENd iT iN a frUitFul wAy..


can anyone tell me how to block someone at damadam??


WheN yOu hAVe mONeY iN yoUR pOcKet,tHe QuEsTioN aSKed frOm yOu Is:
HoW aRe You?
WhEn yoU hAVe aN eMpTY pOckET,tHe QuEStioN aSkeD fRoM yOu iS:
WHo ARE you?
SeEMs sAD bUT sADnesS hAs a GrEaT pARt in ReAliTy..


RuLe oF DeManD, suPPly aNd pRice iN eConoMICS..
wHeN sUpPly gOEs Up, deMaND deCReaSes..
wHEN DemaNd dECreAsEs, prICE goEs dOwN..
AppLiCAtiOn of THIS ruLE iN rEAl liFE..
dO noT supPly yOurSelF unTill yoUr DEmaNd goEs uP otHErwiSe,
yOu will loSe yOUr wOrTh(price)


FeaRiNg nOtHinG iS A stUPiDiTy.


YouNG GeNeRatiOn's lOve iS jUsT likE blUtOOtH..
iF tHeY aRe cLOseR,,coNNeCted
iF thEy aRe FaR,,, SeArChiNg fOr nEw DeViCe..😂😂


So finally we come to the conclusion that these sites are the problem..these are not to propose each other..you must find your life partner in real..these are just to know about each other...


A boy make an hope that girl will give him the pic after one or two months when he will be succeeded to create a trust..but when after such time girl dont give him her picture he looses the hope and says ok..i cannot marry you..here the girl says that you never loved me..you were in a flirt..