Hello..Dear's posts | Damadam

Hello..Dear's posts:


Actually problem is not the picture..the actuall problem is the place.i mean social media..now if if we say the picture is necessary there is another side of the story..if a girl gives her picture to a boy he may miss use it by uploading it on internet.. if the lady is parda-nasheen..she can be blackmailed through this act


So how is this possible that a boy agrees to marry a girl to whom he has never met or seen...and the girls who expect that boys should marry with them without seeing them...they are fool


someone posted at damadam that when a girl does not give a picture to the boy..the love finishes...
what i replied i am mentioning under below..🙂
i have a different point of view..actually i think a person must see a woman before he falls in love with her..for example.. in reality when two families want to make a relation of marriage..the boy's family is given opportunity to see the girl and girl's family is given opportunity to see the boy


TalKiNg cOmEs By NaTurE, silEnCE by wiSDom..


mOsTly i wAste mY prEcIoUs tIme On SOciAl mEdia..eVeN wiThOut aNy sPeCiAl ReaSoN..😭


کہا جاتا ہے کہ خوش رہو ۔۔
پر کیا ہوتا ہے کہنے سے ۔۔
خوش تو بندہ تب رہے ۔۔
جب کوئی رہنے دے ۔۔


KnOwiNg iS wHaT To Do..
aNd ThE wiSdOm iS wHeN To dO..


damadam is no more an healthy social site..being ignored by others and due to not achieving their particular goals...they have become rude..every single person thinks he is the best..nobody has manners of discussion..everyone wants to criticise others but no.one is ready to be criticised...its an immature behavior from mature people


"trUtH iS alWaYs bEtTeR tHaN a liE..
ReAliTy is alWayS beTteR thAn DreEmS"


"A mAn aNd wOmaN sHoulD bE kiNd heArTeD"


aT tHis vEry mOmEnT i Am sO muCh knOwleDgleSs tHat I hAve nOthInG tO sHaRe wiTh yOu..


people who dont have courage to argue on their point of view must not share there point of view on this site..a person who think only he is perfect from all damadam members is nothing more than a stupid..


"EvEn iN diCtiOnaRy haRdwoRk cOmEs beForE the sucCesS"


"Whatever is beautiful. Whatever is meaningful. Whatever brings you happiness. May it be yours on this Mubarak day of holy Eid."May the joy of Eid multiply a thousand times and stay with you forever and ever. Happy Eid


i wAnt tO JoIn a mEhfil wHicH hAs hEalThy DiscUsSiOn.. iF thEre Is aNy PleAse inVitE mE..


"SoMe pEopLe haVE alwAyS beEn gOOd aT UsIng tHe tRuth tO tEll liEs"


"VioleNce is a diSeAse"
yOu doN't cUrE a DisEaSe By spReAdiNg iT tO moRe pEople


sometimes my mouth runs away from me


nothing is more hateful than failing to protect the one you love


Save yourself from being a joke