M_NadaN's posts | Damadam

M_NadaN's posts:


بابا جی کہتے ہیں کہ لڑکیاں تو صرف دل دیتی ہیں
لڑکوں کو دل کے ساتھ ساتھ بل بھی دینا پڑتا ہے


یہ جانو مانو والے پتا نہیں کیسے فون پر آہستہ بات کر 😝لیتے😕😜
میں تو ہیلو بھی بولوں تو دس گھروں میں آواز جاتی ہے 🫣


Remember that your struggles always lead to strength. Every difficulty in your life, whether big or small, will produce more strength, faith and perseverance in you. All the pain that you endured has a purpose. Don't give up. Keep moving.


Your character is more important than your comfort. The Almighty is not going to give you more if you have not learned how to be content; how to count your blessings. Contentment means your accept His Decree.


A man's true wealth is his soul


There is a huge pull on you to conform to the ways of the world. You’ve got to stand strong and firm. Rise above that which is prohibited by the Almighty. Rise above the darkness. Don’t give in or compromise. The choice is yours.


Don’t worry about how people act. That’s on them not you. Always choose kindness, that’s under your control. Spread it far and wide, whichever way you can, even if it means giving a smile or a word of encouragement. Never underestimate how contagious being kind can be.


He will give you what you deserve when the time is right. sabar is everything!
الحمدلله 🙏🙏🙏


If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you, still respect them. If they’re mean to you, be kind to them. If they curse and swear in your presence, offer a good word to them. Don't allow their bad actions to affect your good manners. Rise above them.


Haters are just people with low self esteem. They don’t believe in themselves; so they try to put other people down in a sick way to lift themselves up! Don’t let their criticism and negativity distract you from your goals in life.


The sailor is the only person who has the right to say to you "I chose you from among all the women of the earth


I take hot tea with lemon and honey and ginger


The truth is nobody will truly understand what you’re going through except the Almighty. He’s the only One who knows your true circumstances and is always available when you need Him. He will heal you and make you whole again.


اپنے محبوب کی وہ ادا بتائیں🙄
جس پر آپ مر گئے، مٹ گئے، لٹ گئے، زلیل و خوار ہو گئے، تباہ و برباد ہو گئے، بیڑا غرق ہو گئے🙉🤭


مرشد آج پھر طوفان آیا ہے
لگتا ہے کسی عاشق نے اپنی محبوبہ کا دل جلایا ہے


آج میری طبیعت بہت خراب ہے
کان میں زکام ہے اور پیٹ میں چکر آرہے ہیں😔
میں کیا کروں 🙆


`° تمہارے منگیتر کی تصویر دیکـھ کـر یہ لگا
`° بـے وفائی کی سـزا دنیا مـیں بھی ملتـی ہــے 😂'


میں ایک مصرع برائے سکوں اگر لکھوں
یقیں ھے دوسرا ہوگا تمہارے بارے میں


گھڑی یہ الوداع کی ہے بچھڑنا لازمی ٹھہرا۔۔
فضائے دوستاں کو اب بدلنا لازمی ٹھہرا۔۔


وہ سلسلے، وہ شوق، وہ نسبت نہیں رہی
وہ دل نہیں رہا ،وہ طبعیت نہیں رہی
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