A pretty face is nothing if yuh have an ugly heart..❤🔰
Smart larka
Be Good to peaple for no reason..❤❤
#Smart larka
Cheating is a choice not a mistake.
Loyalty is a responsibility not a choice...
#Smart larka
Accept that yuh are not impportant to some peaple and move on..
Smart larka
Every morning we are born again' wht we do today is wht matters..
❤❤ Gd Morning ❤❤
#Smart larka
Some peaple hurt yuh and then act like yuh hurt them...
When yuh meet A stranger online then become your favourite persone...
Smart larka
Well Done is better 😇😇
than 💕
well said 🐶🐶
Every relation start with pain and ends with pain...happiness lies in between these two...
Smart larka
If any female reading this??
I pray yuh get h man who loves yuh for the reall yuh...
Boys are not toys ⌚👓
They also get sad depressed
They also have feelings..
Yuh Don't Deserve my smile
If yuh can't respect my tears..
❤❤ Gd Morning ❤❤
Expectation is the Root of all heartache...
❤ Gd Morning ❤
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