A-S-Malik's posts | Damadam

A-S-Malik's posts:


According to the Hadits and Sunnah..
Always keep in mind that friendship is not only a social construct but a religiously significant relationship. And remember, Islam asks us to keep friends that bring us closer to Allah, and to make sure we treat them well...
Who is a true friend?..
“The true friend is only he who regards his friend in three situations: ordeal, absence, and death.”
(Nahjul Balagha)
Then absolute Manners and Actions..
“A man follows the religion of his religion; so each one should consider whom he makes his friend”
(Abu Dawud)

Memes & Satire image
A  : ...❣❣❣ - 
Jokes image
A  : .c1 .c5 .a7 - 
Memes & Satire image
A  🔥 : .a7 .a7 - 
Islamic Quotes image
A  🔥 : ...❣❣❣ - 
Jokes image
A  🔥 : ...... - 
Beautiful Structures image
A  🔥 : ...❣❣❣ - 
Islamic Quotes image
A  : ...❣❣❣ - 
Beautiful Structures image
A  : ...❣❣❣ - 

.q1 sb ke post like kr de khush raho .a1

Islamic Quotes image
A  : Ashi Malik .n5 - 
Sad Poetry image
A  🔥 : Ashi Malik - 

بات کر لیا کرو مجھ سے
"موت" کا سیزن ہے
کیا پتا تم "پھڑک" جاؤ🙃
😂😂👻👻Ashi Malik


#سانو فن ہے سنگتاں نبھاون دا#
#ساڈے یار وی شاکر نسلی ھین#
Ashi Malik 😎😎

Islamic Quotes image
A  : ANEEN ❣❣❣ - 
Memes & Satire image
A  🔥 : ....🤭🤭🤭 - 
Attitude Quotes image
A  🔥 : Ashi Malik 😎😎😏 - 
Memes & Satire image
A  : ...🤣🤣🤣 kya bzti hove👻👻 - 
Life Advice image
A  : Ashi Malik ❣ - 
Sad Poetry image
A  : Bilkul ❣❣ -