According to the Hadits and Sunnah..
Always keep in mind that friendship is not only a social construct but a religiously significant relationship. And remember, Islam asks us to keep friends that bring us closer to Allah, and to make sure we treat them well...
Who is a true friend?..
“The true friend is only he who regards his friend in three situations: ordeal, absence, and death.”
(Nahjul Balagha)
Then absolute Manners and Actions..
“A man follows the religion of his religion; so each one should consider whom he makes his friend”
(Abu Dawud)

sb ke post like kr de khush raho 

بات کر لیا کرو مجھ سے
"موت" کا سیزن ہے
کیا پتا تم "پھڑک" جاؤ🙃
😂😂👻👻Ashi Malik
#سانو فن ہے سنگتاں نبھاون دا#
#ساڈے یار وی شاکر نسلی ھین#
Ashi Malik 😎😎

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